BUAH MERAH MIX Will Help Those Suffering From:
●High Cholesterol
●Alzheimer's ●Cancer ●Asthma
●Arthritis ●Diabetes ●Bronchial Problem
●Prostate Problem ●Thyroid Problem ●Liver Problem ●Kidney Problem
●Colon Problem ●Heart Problem
●Ovarian Problems ●Poor Memory ●Stroke
●Constipation ●Urinary Track Infection (UTI) ●Weak Body
●Anemia ●Back Pain ●Cyst ●Lupus
●Goiter ●Myoma ●Dengue
●Hepatitis ●Vertigo ●Pneumonia
●Allergy ●Hypertension ●Psoriasis ●Other Degenerative Diseases
1 Buah Merah
2 Mangosteen
3 Barley
4 Moringa
5 Guyabano
6 Wheat Grass
What is Buah Merah?

Red fruit is abundant with fruit crops mafaat kind which comes through the land of Papua. Red fruit generally recognized by the name of the city kuansu Wamena. Red fruit features a scientific term for the fruit of Pandanus conoideus Lam is a number of plants and pandan-Pandanan just like the pandanus tree. Red fruit can easily develop as tall as 16 meters having a trunk that may grow readily up to Five to six meters. Red fruit has been utilized by local residents as food items or even as medication. Red fruits are normally found in Manokwari, Jayapura, and also Wamena Nabire.
Various doctors, scientists and even tourists from all over the world started flocking the mountainous regions of Papua once the word got out and one of them was Dr. Toshioki Nishigaki of Tokyo, Japan. (Vice Chairman of the NGO Research Association of Tropical Medicinal Plants and Consultant of M&K Laboratories). Studies were made from the extracted oil of the Buah Merah fruit and experts found out that it was a very good source of micro nutrient supplement for beta-Cryptoxanthin. Dr. Nishigaki presented the profiles of Buah Merah and beta-Cryptoxanthin during the 1st Buah Merah Science and Business Meeting held at the Micron's Head Office in Tokyo Japan on May 17, 2011. He emphasized the safety and efficacy of Buah Merah for lung cancer, colonal cancer, joint pain, liver dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, virus infection, pms, osteoporosis and among others. It was also noted that buah merah might be associated with quenching ROS/RNS resulting in cancer prevention and possible treatment.
Red fruit at the moment grew to become extremely popular as soon as the qualities and also advantages happen to be well known to deal with numerous illnesses. Distribute the recognition of red fruit along with Sagat rapidly; even just in a few of the herbal ingredients which are created right together with the red fruit is sold at extremely expensive.
Health benefits of Red Fruit or (Buah Merah)
We can numerous health benefits of Red fruit (Buah Merah). Listed below are some of the benefits of the Red fruit (Buah Merah). Read them to know more
Even though specialists have numerous years of attempting to make a cure for AIDS continues to be medication haven’t been discovered. Maybe you yourself really feel unconfident in regards to the effectiveness of red fruits on this one. However the effectiveness of red fruit has been shown to avoid AIDS. One is free of the grip of the death from AIDS is Agustina Sawery.
Agustina Sawery had decreased his bodyweight from 50 kg to 27 kg. He’d anal illness, damaged liver function, mouth bercendawan and also lung infections. Agustina apparently just looking forward to the hour of his death. Therefore he found the Drs I Made Budi MS.Saat Made is widely known that in Papua simply because often treat diseases just like cancer with red fruit extract. Agustina then given a red fruit extract taken 3 times each day.
2.Cancer and Tumors
Cancer is really a illness brought on by the development of tissue cells usually are not regular. Cancer cells will certainly expand quickly, unmanageable, and can continue to divide and after that infiltrate the nearby tissue (invasive) and also will continue to distribute over the connective tissue, blood, and also strike important organs and also spinal-cord. Under regular situations, the cells will break down only when there is replacing of cells which have died and also broken. Rather cancer cells will certainly divide continues even when the body doesn’t need it, so will the buildup of new cells are known as cancerous tumors. Stacking cells are immediate and also damage normal tissue, therefore interfering with the organs they undertake.
Cancer isn’t a moderate illness. The first step within the management of cancer recognition effectively would be that the symptoms which show up on a person’s body is genuinely dangerous cancer cells.
The primary role of the red fruit is usually to boost the individual’s defense mechanisms and also localize the cancer cells to ensure that cancer cells usually do not effortlessly distributed, and much more effortlessly eliminated, in addition to non-toxic which makes it more secure for the affected person. Role of red fruit in assisting of cancers Disease Brought on by it recovery process tocopherol and also beta-carotene content comparatively higher the which, both of these substances interact as anti-oxidants and boost the defense mechanisms. As anti-oxidants, these types of substances may play a role equally Prevent and also suppressed reproductive cancer cells. Omega 3 is included in the red fruit may also restore the objective of Damaged tissue, so it’s suitable for breast cancer sufferer.
3.Stroke and High Blood
Heart stroke is brought on by the freezing and also thinning bloodstream. One reason for this ailment is hypertension. High blood pressure levels leads to blood clots to ensure that narrows blood vessels, leading to decreased blood flow. Furthermore, the blood vessels can break. This ailment, if not deadly, may cause paralysis of hands or legs. High blood pressure levels by itself brought on by the heart which pumps blood too rapidly. This really is one of these as a result of insufficient oxygen or even oxygen on the blood is simply too thicker.
Red fruit that contains tocopherol that may weaken blood and also speed up the blood flow so that oxygen content within blood to become usual.
4.Uric acid
Dsebabkan uric acid due to the disruption so the objective of the liver to generate excessive uric acid. Uric acid eventually become covered in the kidney stone and also was taken up to the ends of fingers and also toes and build up there.
Tocopherols within red fruit thin the blood and also enhance the work system lever. Work system within the liver, soon after being restored, creating usual amounts of uric acid.
5.Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)
Diabetes mellitus, Also known as just diabetes, is really a number of metabolic illnesses in which an individual has got higher amounts of blood sugar levels, possibly Because the body doesn’t Create sufficient insulin, or even don’t react Because cells towards the insulin Which is made.
Diabetes takes place when the body doesn’t create sufficient insulin to keep normal blood glucose levels or even whenever cells don’t react properly to blood insulin. The primary objective of diabetes therapy is to keep blood glucose levels in the usual range. Blood glucose is usual very hard to keep up, yet getting nearer to the normal array, then the chance of a short-term or even long-term problems are much less. Management of diabetes consists of weight loss, diet and exercise. Typical medical treatment is by using insulin injections. Diabetes recovery process could be aided simply by red fruit oil usage Due to normally contain vitamin E or even tocopherol. Tocopherol in the red fruit will certainly enhance the work of the pancreas that discharges insulin function to become ideal. To obtain optimum work of red fruit oil, diabetes mellitus sufferer is advised to prevent utilize diets along with foods result in diabetes mellitus which (containing carbohydrates and also excessive sugars).
Buah Merah is actually calcium abundant and has about 55.000 mg for each 100 gram. It provides the bones along with much-needed calcium that will help avoid osteoporosis, that is mainly brought on by insufficient calcium.
7.Eye Disorders
Higher beta-carotene content within red fruits can easily resolve many different types of eye illnesses brought on by insufficient vitamin A. Beta-carotene is soaked up and also refined with the body into vitamin A.
8.Improve Intelligence
The content of omega 3 and also omega 6 in the red fruit can easily promote the brain functions and also improve cleverness. As a result, red fruit ideal for usage by kids.
9.Increase Passion and Fertility
Red fruit, in accordance with people who consume it, might help improve male sexual arousal. Result of therapy differs, there exists a response soon after Fifteen minutes of consuming it, there’s also a few hours after consuming it.
Vitamin E in the red fruit increases sperm manufacturing. Additionally, red fruit that contains higher energy, specifically 360 calories.
Along with the properties which have been mentioned previously, red fruit may also said to deal with gastric illnesses, hemorrhoids, lung disorders and so on.
Hepatitis is actually a condition in which liver function is essentially because of the virus. Hepatitis B and C usually are not handled may develop into liver cancer (sorosis).Red juice consists of antiviral and also anti-oxidant that could prevent the development of cancer cells. Additionally, the red fruit encourage the regrowth of liver cells.
High cholesterol levels within the blood vessels, particularly triglycerides and also HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), can result in calcification as well as thinning of blood vessels within the heart, brain and also kidney. The trigger may be the usage of foods that contains saturated fatty acid overload.Red juice can easily counteract cholesterol within the blood vessels.
12.D. Lupus
Lupus is definitely an autoimmune illness in which the body’s defense mechanisms hyperactive and also assaults Will become regular, healthy tissue. This particular results in signs and symptoms Just like swelling, inflammation, and also injury to important joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart, and also Lungs.
Below normal functionality, the immune system tends to make proteins known as antibodies so as to safeguard and also combat antigens Just like bacteria and viruses. Lupus helps make the defense mechanisms Not able to distinguish In between antigens and healthy tissue. This brings the immune system to direct antibodies against the healthy tissue – not only antigens – Leading to inflammation, discomfort, and also damaged tissues.
Antibodies were found within a individual’s body which acts to fight the origin of the illness to be contained in the body. Distinctively, this particular lupus antibodies created within the body looks extreme. The end result, antibodies in fact assault the cells of the healthy body tissue. This problem is known as autoimmunity.
Lupus is really an illness in which the defense mechanisms within the body tissue is recognized as a distant object. Result of the immune system could be on numerous organ systems of the body just like skin tissue, muscle, bone, kidney, central nervous system, coronary heart, lungs, lining of the lungs, liver, digestive system, eyes, brain, and also bloodstream as well as cell- blood cells.
Lupus is usually a illness of the dangerous new disease is the same as cancer. Not just a few pengindap illness isn’t above help, the world’s individuals with the illness Lupus discovered 5 million people, a lot more than 100 thousand new cases occur every year.
Red fruit role in assisting with regard to diseases is simply by improving stamina of the sufferers. Red fruit treatment within this disease can serve as an anti-oxidant. Ingested red fruit oil likely to raise the defense mechanisms, so That individuals will get powerful stamina and be Capable to reverse the illness. Up to now individuals with lupus WHO take in red fruit has revealed optimistic improvement.

Dr. Nishigaki called up his friend in the Philippines, Ms. Joy Alcasabas, a professional licensed chemist, owner and President of Lynx Nia Medica and Essensa Naturale. He introduced to her the Buah Merah oil extract and its possible uses and applications. It didn't take long for Joy to come up with various formulations from cosmetics, to liniment pain reliever and a natural health drink that even enhances and utilizes the power of the buah merah. Thus, the Buah Mera Mix Super Anti-Oxidant Natural health Drink was born in 2012. What made this formula unique was the infusion of other super anti-oxidants known to man and science (mangosteen, barley, malunggay also known as moringa oleifera, wheat grass and the soursopfruit or guyabano).
There's a new player in the supplement wars which will blow your mind away. I've seen a lot of supplements from my days but nothing will come close to this and it makes me even proud to share because it was formulated by a Filipino chemist. I'm a big follower of natural supplement and I support the alternative medical practices of Naturopathy rather than the traditional synthetic induced medicine.
I firmly believe that our body has the innate capability to heal itself naturally provided that we give it a proper amount of nutritional sustenance such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids as well as the micro and macro nutrients that our body need for it to function properly.
Pandanus Conoideus is a plant that grows in the mountain regions of Papua, Indonesia. It bears a miraculous fruit which the Papuans call "kuansu" or "buah merah" which literally means a "red fruit" in Indonesia. It can grow in huge sizes around 100 cm in length, 18 cm in diameter length and weighs about 7.5 kg. The fruit has a blunt edge and cylindrical shape. It has known several medicinal applications which the natives use and was also believed to be a good supplement.
No wonder this product has created a lot of testimonies and a huge number of followers in just a short period of time and the miracles of healing is actually brought about by our own human cells called the immune system. Taking just a couple of bottle caps full every 30 minutes before meal can effectively supplement our nutritional daily needs that we no longer get from our regular diet. But for those with already ailing illnesses, a mega dosage is recommended depending on the seriousness of the disease.
The big difference which makes the Buah Merah Mix stand-out among the rest of the supplements available in the market today is it's immediate and almost instant effect in improving people's health condition. But these are not intended to treat or replace any medications prescribed by doctors. Keep in mind that its just a simple food loaded with nutrients coming from nature itself which are organic, non-toxic and all natural. Remember the late great father of medicine, Hippocrates? He was the one who said, "let thy food be your medicine and your medicine be thy food"

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